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Craig's Nintendo Site



New Zelda Games for GBC---2/5/01---austinrock000
The release date for the two new Zelda games for GBC has been set in Japan. They will be released on February 27, 2001 for thirty dollars each.

Sega Ordering Dev Kits?---2/1/01---austinrock000
Well now, it seems Sega is now planning to also develop for GameCube. They have ordered dev kits from Nintendo, so be ready for some good Sega games.

Sonic on Game Boy Advance---2/1/01---austinrock000
Sega is finally coming into the business as a third party developer, and Sonic will be released worldwide in July with the release of the GBA in the U.S.

1080 on GameCube---1/21/01---austinrock000
Well, it seems Left Field Studios has started work on a new 1080 snowboarding game for GameCube. IGN reports that it will be a launch game, and it should be a great one judging by the success of the first 1080.

Mr. Driller 2 for GBA---1/21/01---austinrock000
Another big game is coming to the Game Boy Advance, and it is a puzzle game made by Namco. That's about all I can tell you since I don't know much about the game in the first place.

Is Sony Getting Scared?---1/21/01---austinrock000
I recently got the newest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, and I read some disturbing news. It seems that Sony is telling retailers that they won't get any shipments of the PS2 until they stop promoting preorders of X-Box. Now that is completely wrong, is Sony getting very worried about their competition?

Dr. Mario Returns!?---1/21/01---austinrock000
Well, Nintendo has added one new game to its very short list of new games for the Nintendo 64. Dr. Mario 64 is a remake of the Nintendo classic that has you dropping pills on viruses, and now four people can join in the fun.

Metroid for GBA---1/19/01---austinrock000
An inside source recently leaked out that Nintendo was having Metroid developed for Game Boy Advance. More on this surprise announcemnent as it becomes available.

Mario Advance Confirmed!---1/16/01---austinrock000
In a much anticipated move, Nintendo released screens and info on Mario Advance for the GBA. Not too much is known about it at this time, but the pics will be up soon.

Forums Link May Change---1/16/01---austinrock000
The link to the forums will most likely link to the NintenDome forums pretty soon. I am a mod there, and I don't get much activity on mine anyways.

NintenDome Has Returned---1/15/01---austinrock000
NintenDome, a site that went down a while ago, has returned in full force. Only the forums can be accessed at this time, but the whole site should be up very soon. This site will be updated less frequently because of this, as I am the Associate Editor for that site. Go to NintenDome

Brand New Site Layout---1/15/01---austinrock000
Well, I finally have a new site layout that looks sort of professional, but this is the only page that looks like this right now. Let me know what you think.